Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Week in Review (What I drank in a sentence or less)

(A little late on this post...)
  1. Weyerbacher Lima-Had it on tap at Blue Monkey Tavern-Black IPA, pretty good but I feel like every brewery is currently brewing a Black IPA.
  2. White Birch Espresso Imperial Stout-Very good beer. I love coffee and I love beer so it is usually a great combo. Thanks to Bob for getting this bottle to me.
  3. Heavy Seas Loose Cannon-Very drinkable. Also had this on tap at Blue Monkey Tavern.
  4. Ithaca Cascazilla-Being from upstate NY, I have always been glad to get Ithaca beers in the Philly region-Great beer.
  5. Southern Tier IPA-I took this beer to a wine and Cheese party as my drink of choice that night. Glad I did. Solid beer, but I love the 2XIPA.
  6. Stoudt's Octoberfest-Had this while tailgating at the Phillies last home game. Good beer, even though the Phillies lost that game.
  7. Yards Philly Pale Ale-Had it at Citizen's Bank Park, usually I get Hop Devil but it was replaced by Sam Octoberfest so I got this-Always a good beer!

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