Thursday, August 26, 2010

Sly Fox Rauchbier

I was in Reading PA today and had lunch with an old friend, it's always good seeing someone you've known since grade school especially since I am pretty sure I shared my first beers with him (and a few wine coolers unfortunately!) No beer at lunch as we were both working, but on the drive home, I stopped at the Royersford location of Sly Fox for a quick growler fill (Yes, I travel with an empty growler at all times!). You have to love $9 growler fills when so many places are charging as high as $20 for a standard fill. I was glad to find a Sly Fox beer on tap that I had not had prior and so the growler fill decision was quick and easy-Rauchbier! I have not tried it yet but will be soon. This is a style that can go either way for me. Some brew it perfectly with just the right amount of "smokiness" yet I have had some that overpower the beer with too much and you feel like you are drinking Liquid Bacon! This is also a beer style where aroma is very important. Here is's definition of Rauchbier:

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