Some BEERS are remembered more for the memory or the company you enjoyed them with than the flavors or the complexity of the ale. That is the case with The Pike Brewing CO beers for me. I recently walked into a local beer store and saw a huge display of Bombers from The Pike. I knew immediately that I would be purchasing some. Not because I remembered how great they tasted (Although I have since had a couple and they are quite good especially at $3.99 per Bomber) but because of the memory it stirs. I first had beers from The Pike while on my honeymoon in Seattle and the Cascade Mountains and then again 5 years later upon our return to Seattle. So while these Beers are good beers (I especially like the Extra Stout), it is more a nostalgic beer for me at this point. Yet another reason BEER can be so enjoyable-the social aspect of it and the people you are with.
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