Random thoughts on BEER, BEER EVENTS,BEER Travels, Water-Hops-Barley-Yeast and BEER.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010
The Week in Review (What I drank in a sentence or less)
- Russian River-Damnation-Russian River beers are highly regarded and living in the Philly region, I am lucky to be in the only east coast distribution area. Good stuff.
- Stone-Ruination IPA-HOPS!
- Iron Hill-Luca Brasi Coffee Stout-Had this on tap for the release and it was very good. Great coffee flavor.
- Iron Hill-Decaf-This is the Nitro version of the above without the coffee added and again a very good beer.
- Dogfish Head-Pangaea-Brewed with ingredients from each continent.
- Philadelphia Brewing Co-Harvest from the Hood-A wet hop ale brewed with hops grown from a local garden not far from the brewery.
- Otto's Pub-Double D IPA-A very solid offering from the State College Brew pub.
- Horseheads Brewing-IPA-A surprisingly good IPA. My Dad said he really likes this beer so I figured it was not very hoppy-I guess his tastes are changing because it is quite hoppy.
- Butternuts-Moo Thunder-A canned Milk Stout-I've seen the Butternuts beers all over and never paid them much attention as they seem to be more about the marketing than the beer. This, however was a good beer-Nothing complex or earth shattering but a very good Milk Stout.
- Butternuts-Snapperhead IPA-Not quite as good as the previous offering but not awful.
Monday, November 8, 2010
The Week in Review (What I drank in a sentence or less)

- Breckenridge Brewing-Porter Porter-Part of their Small Batch Series, a very good &% Porter. Enjoyed this bomber in the SA 22oz glass!
- Breckenridge Brewing-Mighty Brown-Another of their Small Batch Series and again a solid beer.
- Bullfrog Brewery-Gothika-This is a collaboration brew with Bavarian Barbarian and is described as a Bourbon Lagered Dopplebock. Had it on tap at Bullfrog and it was pretty good but not the best Bourbon barrel beer I've had.
- Bullfrog Brewery-KFC pumpkin Stout-Not sure what the KFC is but this was an interesting beer in it's description-basically a Milk Stout with some roasted sugar pumpkin and pie spices. It didn't really work for me.
- Bullfrog Brewery-Edgar IPA, an 8% IPA and a solid IPA at that. Great tap handle as well.
- Otto's Pub-Slab Cabin-Picked this up from Wegman's Williamsport. It is from a brewpub in State College. Pretty solid IPA and priced at $3.99 a bomber.
- Fegley's Brew Works-Hop Explosion-Had this on tap at the Blue Monkey. It was not very hoppy at all and a disappointment given I have enjoyed their other beers I tried.
- Mikkeller-Beer Geek Brunch-UNBELIEVABLY GOOD!
- Founders Backwoods Bastard-I love this beer and look forward to it each year.
- Sierra Nevada-Northern Hemisphere-A great, fresh hops beer.
- Slyfox-O'Reilly's Stout-3.8% and a great way to end the night at The Blue Monkey
Bullfrog Brewery
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
New Show Alert
Monday, November 1, 2010
The Week in Review (What I drank in a sentence or less)
- Guinness Foreign Extra Stout-Available for the first time in the US and the best of the 3 Guinness. I had it first in St. Lucia and then a second time at the brewery in Dublin. Now it is available here.
- Stone San Diego Session Ale-A collaborative brew with Ballast Point and North Park Beer.
- Sierra Nevada Estate Homegrown Ale-A wet hop ale. I had it at the Bell tasting this past weekend, quite good.
- Bell's Expedition Stout-Very Good. Will age well at 9.5%.
- Founders Breakfast Stout-Again, a great beer!
- Terrapin Side Project The Dark Side-Another Stout for the week, and another good one.
- Coffee Porter (My home brew)-After all those stouts I figured I would revisit my Coffee Porter which is quite "stoutish".
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
The Week in Review (What I drank in a sentence or less)
- Stone Vertical Epic 10.10.10-Good beer, described as a Belgian Tripel with a couple of left turns. This reminds me a little of DFH Red and White.
- Southern Tier Harvest Ale-Had it on tap at the Blue Monkey, a solid sessionable fall beer!
Evolution Brewing Lot No. 3 IPA-I picked up a 6 pack while staying in Salisbury MD. Very Solid IPA at a great price.
Evolution Brewing Lucky 7 Porter-Had it on tap at The Greene Turtle in Salisbury MD while watching the Phillies game.
Dogfish Head Indian Brown Ale-I have not had this beer in quite a while and forgot how good it was.
Lagunitas IPA-Had it at Blue Monkey while watching The Phillies game....Good IPA.
Evolution Brewing Menagerie 2-I purchased a growler of this at the brewery, it is their Lucky 7 porter aged for 6 months in bourbon barrels and then added to a smaller amount of their Coffee Stout-Delicious!
Lilja's Sasquatch Stout-Another of the amazing Bell Beverage Case deals, $10.99 a case, I bought 2! Good Stout!
Lilja's Pulling Boat Pale Ale-Yes, another $10.99 case. What more can I say!
Founders Breakfast Stout-Such a good beer. I purchased this 4 pack at the West Deptford Canal's. Great Beer.
Duck Rabbit Milk Stout-From NC and the Dark Beer specialists.....A great Milk Stout
Brown's Brewing Oatmeal Stout-Brown's Brewing from Troy NY (I have never heard of them). A friend gave this to me and it was a decent beer. I'll have to research this brewery and see what else they have.